The tonneau that started a revolution! The LEER 700 showed truck lovers that tonneaus don’t have to be boring – they can be beautiful! The style lines and high-dimension details capture the essence of each truck model they fit. Get the best, the original high-dimension tonneau, the famous LEER 700.
- Easy No-Drill Installation
- LEER 4-Bar Articulating Hinge System
- Flex-Seal front Rail Bed Protection
- Limited Lifetime Color & Structure Warranty
- Automotive Style Rotary Latches
- LEER Twist Handle
- Hidden Lock Linkage
- LEER SuperLift System
- Custom Fit Design
- Trimless Finished Edges
- Inside Release
- Interior Headliner (choice of color)
- LEER Logo Pull-Down Strap
- Dupont Automotive Paint
- Installation Clamps
700 Options
- LEER Keyless Remote
- Battery Dome Light
- LEER Painted Rear Wing (lighted or unlighted; N/A in West

The new 550 is a dramatic low-profile expanse of gleaming fiberglass with the custom fit and reliable performance that made LEER famous, now including a convenient rear-mounted Flip-Lock Handle with Rotary Latches, Gas Props with Adjustable SuperLift Assist, LEER 4-Bar Hinges, and a front-mounted FlexSeal. Headliner, Interior Lighting and Keyless Remote Unlock are available as factory-installed options.
550 Standard Features
- Easy No-Drill Installation
- Rear-Mounted LEER Flip-Lock Handle
- Automotive-Style Rotary Latches
- Flex-Seal Front Rail Bed Protection
- LEER 4-Bar Articulating Hinge System
- LEER Adjustable SuperLift Assist
- Custom Fit Low-Profile Design
- Inside Release
- Trimless, Finished Edges
- LEER Logo Pull Down Strap
- Dupont Automotive Paint
- Standard Installation Clamps
- Limited Lifetime Color & Structure Warranty
550 Options
- Interior Headliner (choice of color)
- 24-Bulb LED 12V Dome Light w/Auto On/Off Prop Switch
- Keyless Remote Unlock w/LED 12V Dome Light and Auto On/Off Prop Switch
- LEER Painted Rear Wing (Lighted or Unlighted)